P.O. Box 531085  |   Birmingham, AL 35253  |  (205) 423-0901




Organizations that seek Foundation support should first submit a Letter of Inquiry. The Letter of Inquiry is to be submitted via the link below*.    The applicant should be prepared to provide the following information:

  1. A concise overview of the organization and its mission
  2. A brief description of the purpose for which the grant would be used
  3. The amount of funds being requested and the total budget of the program or project
  4. A brief statement of the proposed outcome of your program or project and include the number of people served, the location of people served and any other relevant measures of success
  5. A short paragraph describing the plan and timetable for successful completion of the program or project

We will also check your organization's 501(c)(3) status.

Please read the Grant Making Guidelines carefully prior to submitting a Letter of Inquiry, as it is in the best interest of both your organization and the Foundation to pursue those opportunities that will best serve the community at large as it relates to the mission of The Malone Family Foundation.

To begin your Letter of Inquiry, please click this link.

*We will no longer accept paper Letters of Inquiry after November 2012.